About Us
Since its inception in April 2001, Orangewalk has grown steadily to establish itself as one of Australia’s most respected distributors of promotional merchandise. In our second decade of trading the company remains healthy with over 70% of our income derived from repeat business from a loyal client base.
We are a service based business where the best interests of our clients underpin everything we do. Furthermore as a member of the Australasian Promotional Products Association wherever possible product is sourced from APPA importers/suppliers along with all the guarantees membership of this organisation provides.
We still retain many clients that began trading with us soon after we opened for business in 2001, and while all our customers large or small are equally important, it’s our long term clients that are a source of great pride to us; we remain grateful for their custom and look forward to continuing these mutually beneficial relationships long into the future.
Why we’re called “Orangewalk”
Orangewalk Promotions adopted its name from the town of Orange Walk; a colourful colonial settlement in the tiny Caribbean Republic of Belize (take a look at www.belize.com).
Located on the Central American mainland south of Mexico and east of Guatemala, the history of Belize begins with the Mayan civilisation, was virtually overlooked by the Spanish Conquistadors and went on to become a major base for pirates during the 16th and 17th centuries. In 1798 the country became pirate free and joined the empire as British Honduras finally gaining independence from the UK in 1981.
Belize has become a major destination for the more adventurous traveller offering tours of Mayan temples, diving excursions and rainforest treks.